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Jean-Baptiste Kempf


Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Jean-Baptiste Kempf is an open source developer, a multimedia specialist, and a startup founder. He is the president of the VideoLAN non-profit org, one of the lead developers of VLC and maintainer of numerous open source libraries. He has lead numerous projects around VLC and the VideoLAN community, including ports of VLC on mobile platforms and LGPL relicensing of libVLC. Jean-Baptiste has worked with numerous technologies, from C and ASM to JS. I've coded in C/C++ (VLC), C# (VLC for WinRT), Objective-C (VLC for iOS), Java (VLC for Android). He has a M.S. in Computer Architecture from Université Paris-Sud in the LRI faculty, and a M.S. in Engineering from the École Centrale Paris. He has worked at the CEA, STMicroelectronics, the French Embassy in the USA, Fair Play Interactive. He is a proud alumni of VIA Centrale Réseaux, the AdR and the gala. Jean-Baptiste love cats, movies (including bad ones), skiing and sailing.